
The Heart & Soles Run offers groups, organizations, and companies a great way to be branded with a time-valued community event that benefits deserving organizations. There are many ways to sponsor and partner with the Heart & Soles Run.

Branding benefits can include the following (determined by sponsorship level):

  • Race T-Shirts: Logo on race shirts
  • Web Site: Logo prominently displayed on sponsor page
  • Social Media:  Facebook post to over 5,000+ followers
  • Logo in digital and print ads
  • Race Day Signage
  • Seat on Executive Steering Committee

For current opportunities in sponsorship, in-kind donations, being a vendor in our race day festival area/packet pick-up expo, or other support-related elements, please contact Chris Weiler at [email protected].


The Heart & Soles Run partners with other community events and organizations that include run/fitness/health/sporting events, fundraisers, and other similar programs. We can offer cross-promotion of your event or business on our social media, email, and other marketing channels, in exchange for your support of Heart & Soles.

If you are interested in a partnership, please contact Chris Weiler at [email protected]g.


A variety of volunteer shifts are available for teens and adults looking to give back to the community. Volunteer duties include bib & shirt pickup, volunteer check-in, course monitors, water stops, finish line refreshment distribution, medal distribution, and kids run.

All volunteers will receive a t-shirt that you will be required to wear over your topmost layer of clothing (please keep this in mind as you may want to size up 1 or 2 sizes). This will help participants and guests identify who they can ask for help or directions. Please wear appropriate clothing for the weather as the event will go on rain or shine.

If you are interested in volunteering, click here to sign up today!


Individual donations from community members through our RunSignUp platform will go to supporting our beneficiary organizations, who are working hard to provide important health and wellness programs to children in need. Consider making a donation today!

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