A huge thank you to all of the sponsors, supporters and volunteers that made the Lam Research Heart and Soles Run to reach its 2014 – 2016 goals for the salad bars for local schools program! Generating over $400,000, this program funded 195 salad bars that are now in local schools.
“Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools” is an initiative of the Food Family Farming Foundation, National Fruit and Vegetable Alliance, United Fresh Produce Association Foundation and Whole Foods Markets to support First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! initiative.
Supporting Healthier School Lunches
When school children eat better, they learn better. That’s why the Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation and the Santa Clara County Office of Education have teamed up to produce the Lam Research Heart & Soles 5K event.
Salad bars in our Silicon Valley and Santa Cruz County K-12 schools introduced children to healthy eating habits, help reduce obesity and promote overall health that will make them better learners.
The driving force of Silicon Valley success is creative minds, great skills and an entrepreneurial spirit. We can promote and support these attributes in our school children by helping them get access to great food in their schools.
Thank you for your interest in our event. Your participation WILL make a difference.
Happy Running!
Carl Guardino
Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation
Jon R. Gundry
Santa Clara County Office of Education
2014 – 2016 Beneficiaries and Successes
Studies show that kids who eat healthy meals are better learners. That’s the reason for our race: to introduce salad bars into Silicon Valley and Santa Cruz County K-12 schools that want them. “Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools” is an initiative of the Food Family Farming Foundation, National Fruit and Vegetable Alliance, United Fresh Produce Association Foundation and Whole Foods Markets to support First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! initiative. Downloadable PDF fact sheet
The Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation in partnership with Santa Clara County Office of Education are producing the Lam Research Heart & Soles 5K because they know that our region’s young people need all the advantages possible to be successful learners.
Each salad bar station costs $3,100, so it’s easy for participants in the Heart & Soles 5K fun run to make a BIG IMPACT quickly on our local schools.
School salad bars are a proven, effective strategy to increase kids’ fruit and vegetable consumption and help them develop healthier eating habits. New nutrition standards double the amount of fruits and vegetables served in school lunches–and salad bars are the easiest way for schools to comply.
Another outcome for increasing children’s intake of fruits and veggies is that it will help address the childhood obesity epidemic.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found that:
- There’s a 15% reduction in school absence when kids eat nutritious lunches.
- 32 million children eat at school every day.
- In the last 30 years, the percentage of overweight or obese children in America has TRIPLED!
- Poor nutrition and physical inactivity may soon overtake tobacco as the leading cause of death in the U.S.
- If current trends continue, 103 million American adults will be considered obese by 2018.
The Lam Research Heart & Soles 5K event to bring salad bars to schools in the Silicon Valley and Santa Cruz County is part of national and state efforts: Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools and Team California for Healthy Kids.
The Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation partnered with Lam Research in 2014 to launch the Heart & Soles 5-K, which funds salad bars in Silicon Valley schools. The “Year One Goal” was to raise enough revenue to provide Salad Bars for 30 K-12 schools. Thanks to the generosity of more than 30 Silicon Valley Leadership Group member companies, and the participation of nearly 1,000 people in the Inaugural Heart & Soles 5K, that goal was nearly doubled. The Foundation was able to provide 56 salad bars to 53 public schools in Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and Alameda counties.
The 2nd Annual Hearts & Soles 5K took place on February 7, 2015. With the dedication of member companies and community partners, as well as our nearly 1600 registered race participants, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation was able to raise enough funds to purchase an additional 66 salad bars in 2015.
The 3rd Annual Heart & Soles 5K occurred on March 12, 2016. With the support of member companies and community partners, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation achieved its ambitious goal and placed 73 salad bars in Silicon Valley schools.
Over this three year effort, the Foundation has provided a total of 195 salad bars serving over 145,000 students, most in underserved schools in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods.
What is the cost of a salad bar?
A salad bar, with shipping, costs $3100.
Who are the Primary Partners?
The primary partners are the San José Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce, South Bay Labor Council, Santa Clara County Office of Education, and member companies Lam Research and The Health Trust.
Which schools in Silicon Valley received salad bars through the Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation?
The following schools (listed by district) received salad bars through funds raised by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation in 2013-2014:
Cambrian School District
Bagby Elementary School
Fammatre Charter School
Farnham Charter School
Price Middle School
Sartorette Charter School
Franklin-McKinley Unified School District
Dahl Elementary School
Hellyer Elementary School
Jeanne Meadows Elementary School
Kennedy Elementary School
McKinley Elementary School
Santee Elementary School
Sylvandale Jr. High School
Windmill Springs Elementary School
2 Additional School Sites TBA
Fremont Unified School District
American High School
Centerville Jr. High School
Hopkins Jr. High School
Irvington High School
Kennedy High School
Mission High School
Robertson High School
Thornton Jr. High School
Walters Jr. High School
Washington High School
Gilroy Unified School District
Solorsano Middle School (2 salad bars)
South Valley Middle School
Los Gatos Union School District
Blossom Hill Elementary School
Daves Avenue Elementary School
Lexington Elementary School
Van Meter Elementary School
Moreland School District
Latimer Elementary School
New Haven Unified School District
Alvarado Middle School School
Oak Grove Unified School District
Anderson Elementary School
Baldwin Elementary School
Bernal Intermediate School (2 salad bars)
Christopher Elementary School
Davis Intermediate School
Del Roble Elementary School
Edenvale Elementary School
Frost Elementary School
Glider Elementary School
Hayes Elementary School
Herman Intermediate School (2 salad bars)
Ledesma Elementary School
Miner Elementary School
Oak Ridge Elementary School
Parkview Elementary School
Stipe Elementary School
Saratoga Union School District
Argonaut Elementary School
Foothill Elementary School
Saratoga Elementary School
Soquel Union Elementary School District
New Brighton Middle School
The following schools (listed by district) received salad bars through funds raised by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation in 2014-2015:
Alum Rock Union Elementary School District
Aptitud Community Academy at Goss
Arbuckle Elementary School
Cassell Elementary School
Chavez Elementary School
Cureton Elementary School
Dorsa Elementary School
Fischer Elementary School
George Middle School
Hubbard Elementary School
Linda Vista Elementary School
Learning in an Urban Community with High Achievement Elementary School
Mathson Middle School
McCollam Elementary School
McEntee Academy
Ocala Middle School
Painter Elementary School
Renaissance Academy at Fischer
Renaissance Academy at Mathson
Russo Academy
Ryan Elementary School
San Antonio Elementary School
Sheppard Middle School
Castro Valley Unified School District
Castro Valley Elementary School
Chabot Elementary School
Independent Elementary School
Marshall Elementary School
Palomares Elementary School
Proctor Elementary School
Stanton Elementary School
Vannoy Elementary School
Jensen Ranch Elementary School
Canyon Middle School
Creekside Middle School
Castro Valley High School
Redwood Alternative High School
Dublin Unified School District
Amador Elementary
East Side Union High School District
Andrew Hill High School
Evergreen High School
Independence High School
James Lick High School
Calero High School
Foothill High School
Mount Pleasant High School
Oak Grove High School
Piedmont Hills High School
Santa Teresa High School
Silver Creek High School
WC Overfelt High School
Yerba Buena High School
Livermore Valley Joint Unified Schools
East Avenue Middle School
Mendenhall Middle School
Grenada High School
Livermore High School
New Haven Unified School District
Alvarado Middle School
James Logan High School
Cesar Chavez Middle School
Oak Grove Unified School District
Taylor Elementary School
Santa Teresa Elementary School
Sakamoto Elementary School
Pajaro Valley Unified School District
Rio de Mar Elementary School
Starlight Elementary School
San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District
Boulder Creek Elementary School
Santa Cruz City Schools
De laveaga Elementary School
Gault Elementary School
Bay View Elementary School
Union School District
Dartmouth Middle School
Lietz Elementary School
Noddin Elementary School
The following schools (listed by district) received salad bars through funds raised by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation in 2015-2016:
Alameda Unified School District
Academy of Alameda
Encinal High School
Wood Middle School
Lincoln Middle School
Alameda High School
Ruby Bridges Elementary School
Bay Farm Elementary School
Earhart Elementary School
Haight Elementary School
Maya Lin Elementary School
Edison Elementary School
Franklin Elementary School
Lum Elementary School
Cambrian School District
Steindorf Elementary School
Evergreen School District
Cadwallader Elementary School
Cedar Grove Elementary School
Chaboya Middle School
Carolyn Clark Elementary School
Dove Hill Elementary School
Evergreen Elementary School
Holly Oak Elementary School
Laurelwood Elementary School
Matsumoto Elementary School
Millbrook Elementary School
J.J. Montgomery Elementary School
Norwood Creek Elementary School
Silver Oak Elementary School
Katherine Smith Elementary School
James Franklin Smith Elementary School
Quimby Oak Middle School
Morgan Hill Unified School District
Barrett Elementary School
El Toro Elementary School
Jackson Academy of Math and Music
Los Pasoes Elementary School
Nordstrom Elementary School
Paradise Valley Elementary School
San Martin/Gwinn Elementary School
PA Walsh Elementary School
Britton Middle School
Martin Murphy Middle School
Live Oak High School
Ann Sobrato High School
Central Continuation High School
Community Adult School
Mountain View Whisman School District
Benjamin Bubb Elementary School
Edith Landels Elementary School
Frank L. Huff Elementary School
Gabriala Mistral Elementary School
Mariano Castro Elementary School
Monta Loama Elementary School
Stevenson Elementary School
Theuerkauf Elementary School
Pajaro Valley Unified School District
Amesti Elementary School
Calabasas Elementary School
HA Hyde Elementary School
Hall District Elementary School
Landmark Elementary School
MacQuiddy Elementary School
Mintie White Elementary School
Rio del Mar Elementary School
Valencia Elementary School
San Jose Unified School District
John Muir Middle School
Burnett Middle School
Allen at Steinbeck Elementary School
Hoover Middle School
Bret Harte Middle School
Lincoln High School
Santa Rita Union School District
Bolsa Knolls Middle School
Gavilan View Middle School
La Joya Elementary School
McKinnon Elementary School
New Republic Elementary School
Santa Rita Elementary School